
Plumos Music?

Plumos Music, also known as Plumos, springs from a rich background of Blues, Rock, Blues Rock, and Rock Blues. But Plumos doesn't just stick to the classics. With an insatiable curiosity, Plumos found himself drawn to the endless possibilities offered by the digital world.

From the art of recording, producing, and crafting seamless mixes, Plumos discovered a whole new realm of musical expression. And when the pandemic put a halt to traditional performances, Plumos embraced the opportunity to explore new avenues in music.

Today, Plumos stands as a pioneer, forging a vibrant path in the digital music landscape. With an infectious passion for innovation, Plumos brings his art to the digital platforms of today, ensuring that his captivating melodies reach a wider audience.

Join Plumos on this exciting journey, a fusion of raw talent and cutting-edge technology that transports you to a realm where melodies intertwine with pixels and rhythms reverberate through the digital realm. Experience the magic of Plumos Music, where tradition meets transformation, and the spirit of music thrives in the digital age.

Never forgetting the roots, because what can grow without roots?